How to Solve a Fraction to Find the Simple Continued Fraction

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Continued fractions
The history of continued fractions can be traced back to an algorithm of Euclid.Let us recall this algorithm. Suppose we would like to find the greatest common divisor of numbers 75 and 33.

The last non-zero remainder, 3 in our case, is the greatest common divisor of 75 and 33.
There is no evidence though that Greeks knew about the connection between the left column and the right column above. The first continued fraction was used in 1572 by Bombelli to approximate. The first infinite continued fraction appears in 1659 in the work of Lord Brouncker to expand
. It is Euler's systematic development of the theory starting in 1737 that showed the value of the notion for both number theory and analysis. A torrent of results followed. In 18th and 19th centuries everybody who was anybody in mathematics contributed.
If the number is rational the continued fraction terminates like for. If the number is irrational the continued fraction goes on forever. For example, for the irrational number
we can execute the Euclidean algorithm, in essence looking for the greatest common divisor of
. The algorithm will never terminate since the two numbers are incommensurate.


The esthetic beauty of continued fractions may go some ways towards justifying the significance of some numbers from algebra or geometry. The continued fraction expansion

would suggest that the number has some significance. In fact, this number is none other than the ``golden ratio''.
If we terminate the infinite continued fraction for the irrational number at the
th step we will obtain a rational approximation
. The rational number
is called the
th convergent for
. For example, the first 4 convergents to numbers

The name convergent comes from the fact that convergents do converge to the number. For example,

Here is the graph for.

Here is the graph for.

The speed of convergence of continued fractions to a number they represent varies from number to number (but it is always very very fast). Here is a comparison between the convergence errors for (blue) and

Definition 1 The fraction is called a good approximation for
if for any
and any integer
we have

Observe that the numbers are exactly the denominators in the convergents for
respectively. This is not an accident and holds in general for all convergents and for all numbers
. We state it precisely and unambiguously in the form of a Theorem.
THEOREM 1 Every convergent is a good approximation (in the sense of Definition 1) for
and conversely, every good approximation to
is one of the numbers
for some
. In fact
is the smallest integer
such that
for some integer
. We also have the inequalities

Now that you know that continued fractions are very good at approximating numbers rational and irrational, it is not surprising to find them in many unusual (at first glance) places. Looking deeper at continued fractions you would discover many amazing properties of these objects. We can say that there is music in continued fractions. But also there are continued fractions in music. Armed with continued fractions we return to the calendar and discover how continued fractions can explain more or less any calendar system ever proposed or implemented.

Next:Calendar and continued fractionsUp:If Pope Gregory knewPrevious:Very brief history Yury Grabovsky
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