Is your BODY talking to God? – "I yawn when I pray"

I bet you lot came across this commodity because you Googled: "I yawn when I pray" – congratulations for noticing, welcome to the club 🙂

I yawn when I pray

When I was a niggling girl, maybe vii-8 years old, I was taught to pray to God, probably like a lot of people in the globe. I never really considered myself religious, but that'south not the indicate of this story, on rare occasions I would still pray in the traditional fashion. My grandmother once saw me yawning afterwards a prayer and laughed, she told me that she and her mother would also ALWAYS yawn later on or during a prayer.

That sounded funny to me, and then of class I had to exam information technology…and sure enough, EVERY time I prayed, I would yawn. If I tried rushing it or doing it without feeling, I would not yawn, and that somehow felt like I wasn't reaching God. Fun thing for a child to endeavour 🙂

Now I also yawn when I meditate

A few years ago, when I found my spiritual path in life, I stopped praying and started meditating. To my great astonishment, meditation had the same touch on me – and don't showtime making jokes nigh meditation existence so boring that I was falling comatose! I simply yawn at very specific stages.

For example, when doing the Unity Jiff meditation (equally taught by Drunvalo Melchizedek) – you connect to Mother Earth, Male parent Sky and Yourself. The point is to send your honey and gratitude to each, and wait for a reply back, they volition send their honey to you too. Well you probably guessed it past now, I go my replies via a yawn, and then often followed past other sensations.

It's not just virtually yawning, listen to your body for other signals

It truly fascinates me how my torso sends me signals, and it can happen in all sorts of means, you just need to watch out for yours. It doesn't fifty-fifty accept to be a similar experience to mine, possibly your body reacts to certain living atmospheric condition, or certain foods (that's specially practiced to find).

Perhaps it will be but a twitch or shivers going upward your spine, or yous may smell something or hear a noise, a lot of people have ringing in their ears. My trunk gives me this particular feeling in my breadbasket, that I know that if I swallow anything whilst I accept this feeling, I will get sick. Or my ear lobe hurts in a specific way when the weather's nearly to alter (I get that from my grandma also!), though I've recently realised that it has other meanings also, still trying to figure it out.


I've also noticed that the same body response doesn't accept to be limited to one definition. I used the instance of yawning as a class of talking to God/Universe/Spirit. Though information technology started off existence that way for me, I at present realise that it is a fashion of letting me know several things: that

  1. I've reached whomever I wanted to reach, e.thou. Mother World or
  2. I'm doing something right during my meditation or the goal is consummate. For example, I was taught how to control my sexual free energy and during a specific stage, on the 3rd breath exactly, I Always yawn.

So at that place you accept it guys, my funny body responses to meditation 🙂 I'thousand sure you accept something too, it all begins by WANTING to observe (or having someone signal it out, but not everyone's signals are every bit obvious as mine).

Try to interpret what your body is telling y'all at a particular time, if you lot find that your get a heavy sensation in your solar plexus and need to put your hand over it for "no proficient reason", recollect about what preceded or followed that. Maybe you got bad news or you feel frightened. This is a very mutual torso reaction every bit your solar plexus is kind of similar your "gut instinct" center of your body, information technology will react when you lot're nervous, depressed or scared.

The Universe is always looking for ways to communicate with us, in any shape of form, information technology is upwards to u.s.a. to Heed!

Oh, and if I happen to yawn next time nosotros're having a conversation, don't become offended – I'm probably just talking to God 🙂

This Post Has 51 Comments

  1. Som

    I yawn, i get big yawns, while i pray and meditate. At that place is serious spiritual activity happening. I dont know of youve ever known a shaman. Talk to one.


    For about a decade now I realized I have been yawning when am deep in spirit, I kept thinking the moment I yawn the rest of my prayer 50 seconds from the first is never heard by God. I felt bad even when it is coming I tried to go along up praying to take information technology stop. But then I realised I couldn't control it. This led my manner to this page and at present am so much relieved. Glory be to God.

    1. Glory H

      I noticed of late each time I am praying I yawn in the midst of the prayer and yet when I finish praying the yawn stops. I googled to find out what other saints were experiencing am glad information technology all comes to one thing The Holy Spirit will exist present during intercede.Amen

  3. Hey………………!, am just from praying and just after I've stop i yawn and so i thought that my prayer might have been rejected past GOD, Merely what i kown now is that yawning later or during prayer is a super natural fashion through which GOD communicate with HIS People. Thanks to you MY GOD Go on speaking to me because am gear up to practice What you lot want me to exercise for yous AMEE.

    1. nxn

      Howdy CIza. I have the same experience. Only immediately afterward my prayer (not necessarily to God but to the universe, every bit I'm non religious), I yawn. How did you know it's an acceptance or rejection of the prayer? Thanks!

  4. david cebard

    Annotate… but am crying a lot of tears and also yawing..and there is no whatever answer in my meditation

  5. mark

    Thank you guys for the information i idea yawning while praying is that the holy spirit it entering our body only my ascertainment.

      1. Rweb Dan

        True, yawning means u need much spiritual power, the more you yawn, the more spiritual power yous need and at that moment God is hearing to u.

  6. Lakshya

    Hi Anya, Am Lakshya from India. Dear to see ur passion towards meditation. Yawning is adjustment of our body energy towards cosmic free energy.

    It is suggested that if you yawning during meditation then its good sign and you are progressing in meditation. Every bit par eight limbs of yoga ( the footing of meditation) given by Maharishi Patanjali, its come up nether Pranayam. the 8 limbs of yoga are

    1. yam

    2. Niyam

    three. Assan

    4. Pranayam

    5. Dharna

    6. Dhyan

    seven. Samadhi.

    stay wellness, stay happy and go along smiling. May female parent nature fullfil all your desires.

    1. Sylvana

      Does anyone know I was praying the rosary I kept yawn none stop tears going downward anyone can tell me why

      1. Kamini Bhatiya

        Me also
        and I search information technology to know reason

  7. Latavia

    I accept simply recently looked up why do i yawn after i pray and i am kind of relieved about the responses. I dont pray as often as i should which I am getting better at but becusse of that i ever assumed that the reason i yawned was because my prayers were being blocked and not heard. Only i am glad to come across that is well-nigh likely not the instance and that I'g not the merely one who does this.

  8. Moses

    Well all said, when ever i pray i do yawn and tears fall out of my eyes but at the aforementioned fourth dimension i experience relieved and then later I feel a super natural kind of free energy falling onto me and then i feel like someone is opening up my skull pouring in anointing. Can any one of you explain this to me? Moses.

  9. kaate Mike

    thanks for explanations, this has always puzzled me, when always I try to pray I have yo yawn even in twenty-four hour period time, that's why I tried goggling it, but am not lonely and take the correct info at present

  10. Heeni

    Yes…I besides yawn northward weep while praying n doing healing…so skilful to know its normal…i feel its also a release of energies within…merely lately I'chiliad yawning alot more then usual, fifty-fifty when I've had a groovy nights sleep…thanks for this site, it has helped me to know many others do the same x

  11. Jude

    Honestly I had thought I had a problem with God that's why I always yown while praying, it has started long ago as a trivial boy till now, I thought it volition stop but it continued, I have asked questions about it but no one gave me a adept answer. Only I think I'm satisfied now. Thank you

  12. Debbie

    Am in a country where I have never seen a Bible or a church am about making ii years here so I follow my prayers on internet but when am praying I yawn after praying it stops I idea I was sleepy but when my prayers finish I don't feel yawn at all so I thought of getting an answer on Google then I have that positive oooh God utilise me mightily Amen

  13. Nadine

    Howdy..interesting to observe out I am not solitary, I am a muslim I yawn when I pray, I yawn when I read our holy book, I besides use other spiritual tools from across the globe, so I yawn when I use the pendulum I yawn when I meditate, I yawn when I use EFT tapping.

    I even read that in pshychotherapy sessions patients yaw when they start to heal.. I call up it is a class of releasing negative energy in the body. My problem is when I do any of the spiritual stuff in excess..I end up with a feeling like I want to yawn but I cannot ..has anyone experienced that?

  14. Richlove

    Annotate…I just finished praying and during the prayer I yawed more than than 2 times actually tears rolled down …I got bored at myself with the thought that am existence too lazy I Googled " why do I yawn when I pray " and this article came outset, then I thought , why not , lemme check it out and am happy with the answers …and ohh thank God am not the merely one it happens to

  15. Alina

    Please help me…i can't report due to yawning and tears..and people often take me incorrect !

  16. Bernard Johannes Sleijster

    Wow, and so many things are starting to make sense now…its scary how many things nosotros don't notice about ourselves..if only we would heed to our bodies more than carefully…
    ~ Bernard Sleijster

  17. Thanks at present I know why I yawn.This has started only recently.But give thanks you very much and seeing the comments I know I am not solitary

  18. ultimo

    I believe there is higher reason than just body tiering or getting bored. I accept seen many people either praying or mediating and myself as well , yawning and Its non just regular yawn, it has something different and longly stretched labium opening. My experience, I don't yawn always simply at some signal I exercise and I wish it to last longer considering its and so soothing. Still to find that pattern you talked near and I am looking frontwards to notice the higher reason I believe. Thanks for the article.

  19. Roger

    To me, my feel westward/yawning is what Christians call the Holy Spirit. I enquire for guidance & enthusiastic yawning are an indication of 'yeah', as, for example, in whether I should get into surgery; it actually happened. Trust the yawning …. my suggestion. On the reverse side, ask for guidance & you may hear 'silence'. I translate that as a 'no'. In that location is nothing that is more silent than non hearing the Holy Spirit. I hear silence, & that is a sign of 'caution.

    1. Peter Mados

      Hullo Roger,

      Hmm…The first thing came into my mind was besides that has to exist a ¬¬ yes¬¬ indication. And then …I prayed to win the win of the lottery, yawned once again as usual… merely I am still poor, cypher happened. So why is not happening? I believe it means sg. else, perchance only an indication that someone inside u.s.a. allow`due south us know that his listening.

      Let me know though, if in your case is going to work and hope you volition remember that I am very,very poor:))) Good luck!

      God bless!
      One of the lowly.

    2. Hullo Roger… I wanted to know whether you got the answers true if you followed them ever…

  20. Rafael

    Thank you for this.. I thought it may be something bad.. as information technology interrupts ones prayer… thanks

  21. Arup India

    I have always felt guilty when yawning while praying, as information technology seemed so disrespectful. However, I explained information technology to myself, as the onset of an inner calm and peace that triggered that release …. Good to know that others have encountered the aforementioned yawning likewise

  22. Anjali Sethi

  23. cybernautsri

    Oh ya, Anya i had 3 OBE experiences:). That changed the whole thing on how i look at this world, the being of us. Its exciting when you become ethereal and can travel at superfast speed.

  24. cybernautsri

    How-do-you-do, well yesterday i went for a heart meditation training. I met near 30 participants. Towards the end our main requested to give a brotherly hug to each other and we did. When i started leaving the place , i felt very heavy specially at the back. And after some moment i started to yawn and burp. I think i accept burped about ii hundred times. The longest and later on that i felt relieve. Apparently my friend told me i took the people'due south bad free energy and let them out. Is this brand sense? Prior to this i have been yawning for few months, whenever i visit temples and pray. I believe the yawning is part of cleansing when nosotros reach a sure level spiritually. Everyone of united states of america acquit some kind of entity / energy in us through-out our life. If its a bad free energy we need to cleanse them i believe.Yawning / Burping is ane of the way i approximate. Thanks.

    1. Mahe

      I exercise completely agree with you cybernautsri. All the negatives will be expelled during yawning and nosotros will feel meliorate after expelling negative energy

    2. Ginger

      Cheers Cybernautsri for your input. I as well believe yawning while praying releases the bad energies … plus some of my life's negativities (guilt & sins).
      Experiencing a feeling of relief of also calm & a very relaxed peace afterward yawning. I notice my listen in thought of prayer to Our Father God has more than clarity to focus when talking to Him. I also believe & feel when I start yawnIng during the start of my prayer fourth dimension, I do experience a deeper release and "cleansing with openness". All of these yawning experiences I truly feel are release & cleansing of myself. GOD'southward dear to all!

  25. Didem

    Its weird. I am a muslim, and eachtime i pray i yawn. When we feel bad and heavy we make some one pray on us.. As just i did ten min ago….because my husband, the praying and me, the prayed on yawned similar crazy, tears coming…but this yawning had a healing effect that my migrene looking like headache got very very soft now… I felt amazed and made a search but at present i see that rather than the religion . The pray makes information technology happen

  26. kaira

    Thanks so much, God's children for all your posts.. I as well yawn when I pray and I feel guilt and bad because I didn't understand why I only happen when I pray. Now I know the interpretation.

  27. VED

    There was a particular incident in my life that made me start praying from a lifetime of no prayer I noticed that in most of my prayer events, I exercise yawn. I mean when I pray in solitude.

    However, I demand to mention something more than. It is only that there is indeed a supernatural software content in our torso, language and in the universe. There is indeed a communication between the superior intelligence that design this software and united states of america.

  28. Hegire

    Hi everyone.

    Is obvious for me that all people who leave a comment on this site are deeply spiritual. Was thinking to look for a chip more common ground though.
    Has anyone had an out of body experience mayhap a vision over here?
    Hm…I also read that yawning can pb to epilepsy apparently.

      1. Hegire

        I am pretty sure you can not get the Spirit otherwise. I had a vision about x years ago, while I was listening Beethoven v. Before long afterwards everything changed and keeps irresolute, thank you God.

        What nigh you darling?

        ps: About five years ago became vegetarian, only nowadays switching to vegan for a change. Do yous think helps in Spirituality, and is so in what way? What is your experience?

        Sweet dreams

  29. Hegire

    Funny enough I also started yawning since a twelvemonth at present, while I am praying at home or in the church. Definitely is a higher stage in Spiritual life. In my example came after feeling a kind a strong vibrancy wherever the claret circulates in the body, particularly in the head. Hm… curious to see what is going to be later on…

    Sole Deo Gratia!

    I have read also almost the idiotic comments of Mohamed.

  30. Portia Zondi

    Thanx a lot. I have been experiencing this for years now but only if I am in church or with praying people . I think I have an reply now

    1. Hegire

      So what is the answer, if is not a secret?

      1. Cool, sounds like you've noticed something interesting going on in that location, I judge just keep observing and see if you can spot any patterns as to when and why it happens.
        There is no definite reply, we are all unlike, but i thing I tin say from experience is that it's definitely a sign, a way of your torso telling you something. In my example it's always a "yes" to whatsoever I'm asking or thinking about, or a confirmation that I'chiliad on the right track. For others it may be something else, information technology'due south just a matter of patiently watching information technology happen.

  31. Jessica

    You lot volition find that near people yawn during prayer. From a islamic point of view .. its stated in our books that yawning is from the devil … when y'all pray the devil wants to finish or distract you and when yous open up your rima oris he comes in.

  32. Stella fonkeng

    Thank you for the mail. I yawn when I pray, and teary too. Happy to know that I'm not the but one. To God be the Glory. Thanks,

  33. Thanks for this answer. I did google about yawning when I talk with the creator and found this page as the first link. I noticed a couple of weeks ago that I was yawning when talking to the Creator and it started to puzzle me. Skilful reply, thanks once more.

    1. Thanks 🙂 Glad it helped!

  34. tony

    hi is interesting because I also yawn when I pray and know I know why information technology happens thank you for your folio and God anoint you .

  35. Lovely! Very interesting near the yawning. Perhaps I'grand non getting bored in my meditations after all 😉
    I become loads of messages about what my body needs to swallow, or not eat, that'due south for sure. I am starting to listen more and more than and it really pays off 🙂
    Only the biggest messages I'm getting these days is to get OUT of my mean solar day job and showtime living the life of my dreams. 8 days to get, and counting…

    1. Anya

      Oh woow youre getting out of your chore?? Thats fantastic, Im so happy for you 🙂 Go live your dream woohoo!!! I totally know how yous experience, before I quit my job I physically felt ill, my torso was simply refusing to get to work haha!

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